Weekly Update from P.S.101Q

P.S.101Q’s Weekly Update
Week of

April 27th


Mismatch Monday


Twin Tuesday


Warm Weather Wednesday (No Bathing Suits)


Crazy Hair/Hat Thursday


Fantastic Friday: Wear your favorite sports jersey or PS 101 Spirit Wear. 5th and 6th Graders should wear PS 101 Spirit Wear as their class picture is that day.

From the School

STATE TESTING:  State testing will continue this week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. A reminder that parents are not permitted in the school building during state testing days until after 12:30pm. Please be respectful of this request. Thank you.


Kindergarten Registration: For parents who have a child entering Kindergarten for the 2015-16 school year, you should have received your acceptance letter. Please remember that you need to register your child at the school by May 6, 2015.

From the PA

Staff Appreciation Event: Tuesday, May 5th
The PA will be hosting our annual Staff Appreciation Event in two weeks. We need volunteers for set up form 1:00pm to 2:30pm, during the actual event from 2:30pm to 4:00pm and for clean up from 4:00pm to 5:00pm.
This is a wonderful way to show the all the staff at PS 101 how much we appreciate the work that they do. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Maria Kaufer.
Schoola Is So Coola! We were able to raise close to $1,000 for the PA from your donation of clothes to Schoola. Thank you so much to those who donated. For those interested in learning more about the program, please visit Schoola.


Wellness Fair, Saturday, May 9th
The PA will be hosting a Wellness Fair on Saturday, May 9th at the school. The flyer is below. There will be vendors there focused on health and well being. You may also rent a table for $30 to sell your wares if you are spring cleaning. For more information, please contact Fadia Mohama.



Important Dates

Math State Test Make Up Exams: Mon, April 27th to Wed, April 29th


Mon, April 27th: Parent Workshop @ 8:20am, Writing Stories.


Tues, April 28th: Parent Workshop @ 8:20am, Role Playing Fiction: Folktales and Fairytales

Wed, April 29th: SLT Meeting at 4pm.

Thurs, April 30th: Parent Workshop @ 8:20am, Writing Fiction: From Scenes to Stories

Fri, May 1st: Parent Workshop @ 8:20am, Preparing Your Child For Success in ELA


Wellness Committee
We are forming a Wellness Committee comprised of teachers, staff and parents to focus on all aspects of “wellness” at PS 101.

Kick Off Meeting
Thursday, May 7th @ 8:30am
Interested in learning more or have questions, please contact: volunteer@pa101.org
PA Parent Survey
The PA Survey is still open. Click below to provide your feedback.
Quick Links

Amazon Prime Day: Shop & Benefit The School

Hello PS 101 Families!
It is Amazon Prime Day today and there are many amazing deals. If you plan to shop, remember to use our link before you sign in and order.
The school will receive 15% of all your Amazon orders.


    Whether you shop today or any other day, remember to use our link (click on logo to the left) before you sign in and order.
The school will receive 15% of all your Amazon orders. 

Passing of Floyd Hasselriis

From the Parent Coordinator 
P.S. 101Q “The School in the Gardens”

July 15, 2015




Floyd Hasselriis


Floyd Hasselriis,  the oldest life-long resident of the Gardens, died yesterday.

Floyd was born in 1922 in the house at 116 Ascan Avenue.  Shortly after that, his family moved to 52 Seasongood Road and that is still the family home.  Floyd and his wife, Helen, raised their two children, in the Gardens.

Floyd was a loyal, active, contributor to all aspects of the Gardens.  As a child, he participated in the pageants of the 1920’s in Olivia Park and helped make ice-skating rinks on empty lots on Ascan Avenue.

He was one of the original students at P.S. 101  and went through 8 years of school there. He graduated in 1935 and was a member of our first kindergarten class when our current building opened in September, 1927.   

Floyd was the 2011 PA Celebrating Community Recipient and was present at our Centennial Celebration in May 2014.


He later graduated from Columbia University in 1943, worked at Curtiss-Wright on airplanes, went into the merchant marines, and was a professor of mechanical engineering at Cooper Union. 

He told stories of the horse and buggy that delivered baked goods and how happy everyone was when the wheels on that buggy were covered with rubber!

As an adult, Floyd was involved with the Celebrations Association and, among other projects, oversaw the sound system for Children’s Day activities.  He was on the FHGC board in the 1970’s, again in the 1990’s and was vice-president of the Corporation as recently as 2006.  Some of his particular areas of interest for the Gardens were identifying ‘sick’ trees, inspecting and servicing our sewer system, overseeing patching and repair of our streets.



Randy St. Germain
Parent Coordinator, P.S. 101Q
The School in the Gardens
718-268-7230 ext. 5


Apply Now for School Lunches

From the Parent Coordinator 
P.S. 101Q “The School in the Gardens”

July 14, 2015


Dear Parent/Guardian:


Children need healthy meals to learn. The Office of SchoolFood offers healthy meals every school day. Breakfast is at no charge to all students and lunch costs $1.75. Children from households that meet Federal Income Guidelines  are eligible for free or reduced-price meals. Reduced-price meals for each eligible student is at no charge for lunch. To apply for free or reduced-price meals, or to help your school get federal funding, continue with 

 this online application; apply for ALL children in the household even if they attend different schools and remember to print your confirmation receipt after submission. If you wish to complete a paper application,  you will be given one on the first day of school.  We encourage parents to fill out the application online to facilitate the process.

Thank you for your assistance and consideration.

Go to the following link:  Apply for School Lunch
Randy St. Germain
Parent Coordinator, P.S. 101Q
The School in the Gardens
718-268-7230 ext. 5


Contracts for Excellence Public Hearing

From the Parent Coordinator 
P.S. 101Q “The School in the Gardens”




JULY 15th – JULY 28th


The Department of Education will be holding public hearings on the Contracts for Excellence in each of the five boroughs.  This process will further encourage parental and community involvement.  Hearings will be held on the following date in each borough:

Manhattan: July 15, 2015 – Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis High School (120 West 46 Street, New York, NY 10036)

Brooklyn: July 21, 2015 – Wingate Campus (600 Kensington Avenue, Brooklyn, NY)

Bronx: July 22, 2015 – Mott Haven Campus (730 Concourse Village West, Bronx, NY 10451)

Staten Island: July 23, 2015 – The Michael J. Petrides School (715 Ocean Terrace, Staten Island, NY 10301)

Queens: July 28, 2015 – Frank Sinatra School of the Arts High School (35-12 35th Avenue, Queens, NY 11106)

All hearings are scheduled to begin at 7:00PM.

The deadline for submitting comments is August 15. Comments can be submitted at the hearings or by sending e-mails to ContractsForExcellence@schools.nyc.gov.


Under State law, Contract for Excellence funds must be distributed to schools to benefit students with the greatest educational needs as defined by New York State and must also be spent in six specific program areas-class size reduction, time on task, teacher and principal quality initiatives, middle school and high school restructuring, full-day pre-Kindergarten, and model programs for English Language Learners. Information about the City’s preliminary Contracts plan is posted on the Department’s Website. All proposed allocations described in this plan are contingent on further analysis of school-based conditions. New York City will not be receiving any increase in Contracts for Excellence funding for the 2015-16 school year.


Contact:  Chancellor’s Press Office  (212) 374-5141



Randy St. Germain
Parent Coordinator, P.S. 101Q
The School in the Gardens
718-268-7230 ext. 5


Buy Last Day to Buy School Supplies Now through July 1

P.S.101Q's Parent's Association

P.S. 101Q

P.S. 101Q’s Parents Association

2 Russell Pl, Forest Hills, NY 11375

718 268-7230


Dear P.S. 101 Parents,



Online orders for School Tool Box are being accepted until July 1.

School Tool Box saves you time searching for those hard-to-find items in the back-to-school crowds. Just place your order online and it will be waiting for your child in the fall. Time is limited, please place your order today.

Please visit   www.schooltoolbox.com, register and then order your child’s supplies for next year.
The website will direct you to P.S. 101 and allow you to select your child’s grade for the upcoming school year.
The deadline for online orders is July 1st.



Buy School Supplies Now through July 1

P.S.101Q's Parent's Association

P.S. 101Q

P.S. 101Q’s Parents Association

2 Russell Pl, Forest Hills, NY 11375

718 268-7230


Dear P.S. 101 Parents,



Online orders for School Tool Box are being accepted until July 1.

School Tool Box saves you time searching for those hard-to-find items in the back-to-school crowds. Just place your order online and it will be waiting for your child in the fall. Time is limited, please place your order today.

Please visit  www.schooltoolbox.com, register and then order your child’s supplies for next year.
The website will direct you to P.S. 101 and allow you to select your child’s grade for the upcoming school year.
The deadline for online orders is July 1st.



GAALS – Check Out This Special ASP!

Attention 3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade Girls and Their Parents!
Did you know that there is a special ASP just for you? 
Check out GAALS!
GAALS teaches girls the fundamental physical skills along with how the valuable life skills learned in athletics can be used to navigate everyday experiences on and off the field. Each class pairs one physical skill with one life skill, while integrating activities and discussions that reinforce the importance of communication, teamwork, and problem solving.  By encouraging the girls to express themselves, GAALS creates a comfortable, supportive and fun atmosphere that helps them forge positive relationships with each other, while sparking a desire to be physically active. This unique approach lays the foundation for girls to build the character, self-esteem, and confidence needed to lead successful lives. Click here to read more GAALS.

Start Date:  Wednesday, September 16th 

End Date:    Friday, January 29th, 2016 

When:  Tuesdays

Class Time: Classes will run from 2:20pm to 4:00pm



GAALS was a HUGE hit with out younger grades this past spring. Enrollment in the Fall 2015 class is currently low. We are specifically looking for additional participants as we may need to cancel this ASP offering if more people do not enroll.


Questions, please contact us After School Team

Graduation Recap

What an extraordinary day we shared, celebrating our 6th grade graduates and 5th grade graduates and next year’s 6th grade leaders of P.S. 101!

We had $311 left in our end-of-year festivities budget and the money is going to be dedicated to purchase new books for next year’s 6th grade class.

Also, an enormous, warm and deeply felt thank you to Imanol’s mom, Karina for baking with love over 250 cupcakes and Fondant cake which was the centerpiece of our reception.  The teachers all “cut the cake” while we sang and cheered them on.

Also to Isabella G’s mom Maria and Tony for providing delicious pastries — you always come through for us and we have enjoyed so many tasty treats over these many years.

To Fadia and our Kindergarten parents who came to help decorate the gym, serve at our reception and helped clean up (along with some PA Exec Board members) — we are humbled by your generosity of time.

To all our parent volunteers, including Lisa, Steve, Nicole, Dorothy, Tony, Tom, Susan, Orsolya, Alison, Elisa, Nikki, Annalisse, Jeannie, Yvette, Felicity, as well as many of our volunteers’ children for taking on specific tasks for our festivities and the many parents who stayed to clean up after the reception.  And to our committee members (see below) who put in additional effort to make everything memorable for our students and families.

We are still working on arranging to share photos from the dance.  Continue to stay tuned!  

Cheers!  Have a glorious summer!


Your End-of-Year Team:

Adena Branch (531),  Jaisi DiCicco (601),  Mrs Elias (5th Gr), Tove Fortier (531) Maria Kaufer (502), Ann Kittredge (501), Robin Oksenhendler (502), Daman Saini (601), Mrs. Sawicki (6th Gr), John Tseng (501)

New School Hours: ASP Provides A Later Pick Up

New School Hours Starting In September
8:00am to 2:20pm
Want to extend pick up until 4:00pm?
Then put your child in one of our amazing ASP classes.
If you haven’t already, register here: Fall 2015 ASP Schedule
Start Date:  Wednesday, September 16th 
End Date:    Friday, January 29th, 2016 
Online Registration:  Begins Thursday, June 18th @ 9pm
* Registration will remain open until all classes are filled.
Class Time: Classes will run from 2:20pm to 4:00pm
If you have any questions or concerns please email us at afterschool@pa101.org
Thank you,
Tom Renna, Maria Mastromarino, JP Freeley and the Parent’s Association

We still have openings in many amazing classes!  (below are just a few)
  • Recycled Art on Fridays for Grades K to 6 (two separate classes based on Grade Level) presented by ThinkingCAP. Click here to see student Artwork created in previous classes
  • Kung Fu offered on multiple days for many grades.
  • Guitar  taught by Mr. Sandaricq on Thursdays for Grades 3-6.
  • Chess Club with Mr. Moss for Grades 2-3 on Thursdays.
  • GAALS, sports for girls, on Tuesdays for Grades 4-6.


Thank You!
The After School Program would not happen if not for our fabulous volunteers!
 We would like to thank Tom, Maria and JP for all their hard work. Also thank you to our vendors and teachers who participate and make the program so special.


Extended Day Option Until 7pm!

The PA and ThinkingCAP Academy are pleased to announce that ThinkingCAP will be offering a program at St. Luke’s Church from 2:30PM-7PM daily.


Hours: 2:30pm to 7:00pm daily


Pick up from PS101 twice daily at 2:30pm and 4:30pm. 


Primary focus: Homework Help/Academic Enrichment 


Secondary activities: Sports, Arts and Projects Creation, Music, Engineering, Public Speaking, Yoga, Dance, Clay Molding, Cartooning etc. 

Pricing: $100 per week. Total $1700 for Fall 2015 semester. 

Registration fee $50, waived if parents sign up for at least one class offered in PS101 prior to 4:00PM pickup.


Questions or for more information:  After School Team