GAALS – Check Out This Special ASP!

Attention 3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade Girls and Their Parents!
Did you know that there is a special ASP just for you? 
Check out GAALS!
GAALS teaches girls the fundamental physical skills along with how the valuable life skills learned in athletics can be used to navigate everyday experiences on and off the field. Each class pairs one physical skill with one life skill, while integrating activities and discussions that reinforce the importance of communication, teamwork, and problem solving.  By encouraging the girls to express themselves, GAALS creates a comfortable, supportive and fun atmosphere that helps them forge positive relationships with each other, while sparking a desire to be physically active. This unique approach lays the foundation for girls to build the character, self-esteem, and confidence needed to lead successful lives. Click here to read more GAALS.

Start Date:  Wednesday, September 16th 

End Date:    Friday, January 29th, 2016 

When:  Tuesdays

Class Time: Classes will run from 2:20pm to 4:00pm



GAALS was a HUGE hit with out younger grades this past spring. Enrollment in the Fall 2015 class is currently low. We are specifically looking for additional participants as we may need to cancel this ASP offering if more people do not enroll.


Questions, please contact us After School Team