End of Year Festivities Only 6 Weeks Away!!!!!

6th/5th Grade End-of-Year Festivities
Volunteers Wanted!

Hi Everyone —

Thanks to your enormous generosity, we collected over $6,800.00 to spend on the four end-of-year festivities:  6th/5th Grade Dance, Awards Night, Graduation Ceremony and Reception.  Thank you so much.

With only about 6 weeks before the Dance, the excitement is building.  The committee is steadily moving forward and now we are seeking volunteers.  Please email us at endofyear@pa101.org if you can help out with any of the following:

Graphic Design:  For the gift to the school.  The students came up with a great idea and we need help to make it happen!

Decorations:  Tove Fortier is heading up decorations for all the events.  She has some terrific ideas already and we welcome more input and assistance to make it happen!  Are you crafty? Creative?  Please join us!

Food:  John Tseng and Jaisi DiCicco are busy soliciting local businesses for donations.  If you have any connections, or interested in helping with food (particularly for the dance), please let us know.

 Proof readers:  For the program and diplomas.
Set up:  For all the events.  We will need helpers.  Exact times and dates to be determined, but expect set up to usually happen the evening before an event.

Gift wrapping:   We’ll need some ribbon tying and packaging of gifts to each 6th and 5th grade student. 

Photographer:  Take pictures at the Dance and share with the families.

If you have an idea to share, let a committee member know or feel free to contact us at endofyear@pa101.org


Thank you so much!


6th/5th Grade Dance:  Friday, June 19, 11:00am, Gym
Awards Ceremony: Wednesday, June 24 evening, Auditorium
Graduation Ceremony: Thursday, June 25 morning, Auditorium
Reception:  Following the Graduation Ceremony, Gym

Details to follow…

Your End-of-Year Team:

Adena Branch (531),  Jaisi DiCicco (601),  Mrs Elias (5th Gr), Tove Fortier (531) Maria Kaufer (502), Ann Kittredge (501), Robin Oksenhendler (502), Daman Saini (601), Mrs. Sawicki (6th Gr), John Tseng (501)

Weekly Update from P.S.101Q

P.S.101Q’s Weekly Update
Week of

May 11th


Staff Appreciation Event: On Tuesday, the PA held its annual staff appreciation event to honor the great work that our teachers, staff and administration do to make PS 101 such a special place and amazing school. Thank you again teachers, staff and administrators for all you do! We also want to thank Maria Kaufer for organizing the event and all the volunteers who came to help.


International Dinner Meeting: A second planning meeting was held yesterday. The International Dinner is on Wednesday, June 2rd. Anyone who is interested in helping and could not attend should email Christine Memoli.

Wellness Committee: The kick off meeting for the Wellness Committee on Thursday was very successful. Thank you to those who participated and are leading this great initiative aimed at improving the overall well being, health and safety of our children.


Trips This Week:

Class 301 & 302: Alleypond Environmental Center

1st Grade: Flushing Town Hall performance

4th Grade: Class Trip to Philadelphia

Ballroom Dancing: Grades 4 & 5 continued with their ballroom dancing residency.

Swim For Life: Class 203 continued with Swim For Life this week.

Wellness Corner: Allergies

Spring is in the air. Literally. From weeds to spores to grass and tree pollens, the warm weather is almost here, driving airborne allergen levels through the roof. Asthma is a disease that affects the lungs. It is one of the most common long-term diseases of children. Asthma causes repeated episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and nighttime or early morning coughing. If your child has asthma, he or she has it all the time, but he or she will have asthma attacks only when something bothers his or her lungs.

If your child has asthma, please make sure you have an Asthma Action plan with medications and doctor’s contact information to share with school and teachers.

From the School

Shoe Drive, May 1st to May 15th

PS 101 is hosting its 2nd annual shoe drive. Last year, we collected 1,868 pairs of shoes which were donated to Goodwill. Please donate shoes that are in wearable condition. Your children may give them to their teacher. Thank you for helping us teach our children the importance of giving to those less fortunate.

Meet With Teachers For A Preview of Next Year – May 13th from 4:30pm to 7:30pm. The school invites parents to come and learn about the curriculum your child will be learning next year. For more information: 

Schedule of Events


Career Day – Friday, May 29th @ 8:45am: Share a career experience with our children! We welcome parents, friends, relatives or acquaintances who are willing to share their time. Please email: Randy St. Germain

From the PA

K Stepping Up Ceremony – Planning Meetings

There is a K Stepping Up planning meeting scheduled for Friday, May 15th at 9:10am (after PALP) in Room 210. For parents who cannot attend that meeting, there will also be a meeting on Tuesday, May 12th at 6pm at Ovo Sodo, 110-60 Queens Blvd.
PA Meeting, Tuesday May 19th @ 6:30pm
Budget vote, by-law amendment, ratification of PA Board and SLT positions for next year…and more. Please plan on attending. Child care is provided.

From the DOE

Parent Workshop: Summer Learning –  Tuesday, May 19th @ 9:00am, 90-27 Sutphin Blvd, Jamiaca, NY

To help parents bridge the gap in their child’s learning between the end of one school year and the beginning of the next one, this workshop provide parents with tips for meaningful, educational summer activities for their child. We will also discuss various museums and cultural institutions that offer free and low cost summer programming for students.

Students Entering 4th & 5th Grade: Begin the G&T Placement Process – Applications Accepted May 11th thru 22nd

If your child is entering fourth or fifth grade in the 2015-2016 school year, you can start the admissions process for placement in citywide and district Gifted & Talented programs. Parents of eligible children may submit a Request for Placement (RFP) in person at a Family Welcome Center beginning on Monday.

Important Dates

TODAY: Wellness Fair from 11am to 4pm in the gymnasium.


Tues, May 12th: PA Executive Board Meeting @ 8:30am 


Fri, May 15th: Parents As Learning Partners @ 8:30am (check with your class parent)


K Stepping Up Planning Meeting @ 9:10am in Room 210.

Wellness Fair
Saturday, May 9th
11am to 4pm
Donate clothes for Schoola, a fund raiser for the PA, and shoes for the Shoe Drive at the event.
PS 101Q Gymnasium
Community House: Hot Topic Seminars
May 9th (TODAY) @ 1:30pm Cyber Bullying & Cyber Safety
May 30th @ 1:30pm Go Bags
Seminar will be held at the Community House at 15 Borage Place
For more information:
Chess Tournament
Sunday, May 17th
PS98Q in Douglaston, Queens is hosting a Chess Tournament which is open to all schools and students from Pre-K to 12th grade. For more information, ciick here: 
Quick Links

Career Day, May 29

We Need You
PS 101 Q Career Day
May 29, 2015
Dear Parents, 

We are planning a “Career Day” program at PS 101.


                                       Friday, May 29, 2015

8:45 am am (Breakfast will be served)


               To make our “Career Day” a valuable experience for the children we are asking for representatives of many different jobs and careers.


               If you, or a friend, relative or acquaintance, would be willing to share a career experience with our children, give us your name or the name of the person you are recommending and the telephone number or email where they can be contacted.


               Thank you so much for your help.




Randy St. Germain

Career Day Coordinator


Please respond to RStgermain@schools.nyc.gov by Monday, May 19



Name of Presenter & Career:




Telephone #


Student’s Name: ___________________________Class:________________


Contact Us
P.S. 101Q “The School in the Gardens”
P.S.101Q’s Parent’s Association
(718) 268-7230

Got too much stuff? PS 101Q can help!

Too much stuff?
Looking to declutter?
Spring cleaning?
Household Items, Toys, Kid Stuff…almost Anything: You can rent a table at the Wellness Fair for $30 this Saturday. The fair is from 11am to 4pm in the PS101 gymnasium. Remember…one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Contact Christine Memoli to rent a table.
Clothing: The PA will have a Schoola drop off table at the Wellness Fair this Saturday, May 9th. Bring in your clothes and drop them off. Schoola will then sell them on their website and send a check to the PA.
Shoes: PS 101 is currently sponsoring a shoe drive until Friday, May 15th. There will be a drop off location at the Wellness Fair or you can send in your unwanted shoes with your child and he or she can give them to their teacher.
Wellness Fair
Saturday, May 9th
11am to 4pm
PS 101Q Gymnasium
details below