End of Year Festivities Only 6 Weeks Away!!!!!

6th/5th Grade End-of-Year Festivities
Volunteers Wanted!

Hi Everyone —

Thanks to your enormous generosity, we collected over $6,800.00 to spend on the four end-of-year festivities:  6th/5th Grade Dance, Awards Night, Graduation Ceremony and Reception.  Thank you so much.

With only about 6 weeks before the Dance, the excitement is building.  The committee is steadily moving forward and now we are seeking volunteers.  Please email us at endofyear@pa101.org if you can help out with any of the following:

Graphic Design:  For the gift to the school.  The students came up with a great idea and we need help to make it happen!

Decorations:  Tove Fortier is heading up decorations for all the events.  She has some terrific ideas already and we welcome more input and assistance to make it happen!  Are you crafty? Creative?  Please join us!

Food:  John Tseng and Jaisi DiCicco are busy soliciting local businesses for donations.  If you have any connections, or interested in helping with food (particularly for the dance), please let us know.

 Proof readers:  For the program and diplomas.
Set up:  For all the events.  We will need helpers.  Exact times and dates to be determined, but expect set up to usually happen the evening before an event.

Gift wrapping:   We’ll need some ribbon tying and packaging of gifts to each 6th and 5th grade student. 

Photographer:  Take pictures at the Dance and share with the families.

If you have an idea to share, let a committee member know or feel free to contact us at endofyear@pa101.org


Thank you so much!


6th/5th Grade Dance:  Friday, June 19, 11:00am, Gym
Awards Ceremony: Wednesday, June 24 evening, Auditorium
Graduation Ceremony: Thursday, June 25 morning, Auditorium
Reception:  Following the Graduation Ceremony, Gym

Details to follow…

Your End-of-Year Team:

Adena Branch (531),  Jaisi DiCicco (601),  Mrs Elias (5th Gr), Tove Fortier (531) Maria Kaufer (502), Ann Kittredge (501), Robin Oksenhendler (502), Daman Saini (601), Mrs. Sawicki (6th Gr), John Tseng (501)