Weekly Update from P.S.101Q – 4/18/15

P.S.101Q’s Weekly Update
Week of

April 20th


Ballroom Dancing: Our 4th and 5th Graders continued with their PA sponsored residency this week.

Queens Botanical Gardens: Three of our five K classes went on a trip to the QBG for their PA sponsored residency on Friday. Our Pre K class also had a field trip to QBG. Thank you to all the teachers and parents who made those trips possible.

Laguardia College: K classes went on a field trip to see Frog Town at Laguardia College. This was a busy week for Kindergarten so thanks again to all the teachers and parents who made it possible.

PALP: Thank you to all the parents who participated in PALP on Friday. They students love having parents in the classroom.

From the School

STATE TESTING:  State testing will continue this week on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. A reminder that parents are not permitted in the school building during state testing days until after 12:30pm. Please be respectful of this request. Thank you.


Kindergarten Registration: For parents who have a child entering Kindergarten for the 2015-16 school year, you should have received your acceptance letter. Please remember that you need to register your child at the school by May 6, 2015.

From the PA

PA Meeting, Tuesday @ 8:30am
There are two very important items on the agenda for this week.
1) Close of Nominations: Anyone interested in running for a PA Executive Board position or an SLT position must submit their nomination form by 8:30am on Tuesday. If you have any questions about the open positions or how to run for a position, please email: elections@pa101.org.
2) 2015-16 Budget: The proposed budget for next year will be presented. We will review the budget and have an open forum to discuss anything that parents want to raise. The vote to accept the budget will be held at the May meeting.

From the DOE

Pre K Admissions – Applications Due March 16th to April 24th: Remember to apply to Pre K. Click here for the online application.

G&T Admissions – Applications Due by April 23rd: If your child took the G&T test, results should have been emailed and mailed this week. Parents have until April 23rd to submit your child’s application to District and City Wide G&T programs. For more information: NYC DOE G&T

Of Interest

NYC Council, District 29, Participatory Budgeting: Want a say in more than just the PA budget? Then cast your vote this week. Voting stations are open throughout our neighborhood until Sunday, April 19th. For more information: District 29 – Where To Vote.

Projects on the ballot include:

  • $100,000 to upgrade neighborhood playgrounds
  • $250,000 to renovate North Forest Park Library (on Met Ave)
  • $800,000 for science labs at JHS 127 (Halsey) and PS 202Q.

Important Dates

Mon, April 20th: Parent Workshop @ 8:20am, Science Test Prep.


Tues, April 21st: PA Meeting @ 8:30am


Wed, April 23rd: No school for Pre-K.

PA Parent Survey
We would still love to hear from you…we have about 75 responses so far.
Wellness Committee
We are forming a Wellness Committee comprised of teachers, staff and parents to focus on all aspects of “wellness” at PS 101.

Kick Off Meeting
Thursday, May 7th @ 8:30am
Interested in learning more or have questions, please contact: volunteer@pa101.org
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