End of Year Festivities UPDATE

2015 6th/5th Grade End-of-Year Festivities


Hi Everyone —

We want to thank our 6th and 5th grade community of families for your tremendous generosity.  And though the deadline to submit your voluntary contribution has passed, we will still accept donations through the end of the week.  

Even if you can’t contribute money, please send in a T-shirt form so we can order the appropriate size for your child.  THIS IS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST!  T-shirt Orders are going in next week.  We must have your child’s t-shirt size in by Monday, May 4th.


PICTURE DAY MONDAY, MAY 4th!!!!!!!!  Please be dressed in a white top and dark or black bottoms — think concert dress!  Picture will be taken first thing in the morning.

All forms are below:  


T-Shirt and contribution Forms

Any questions or ideas, please let us know:  endofyear@pa101.org


Warm regards!

Picture Day IS MONDAY, MAY 4
6th and 5th Grades
We will be taking 2 pictures on this day, a picture of the entire 6th grade class and a picture of the entire 5th grade class.  Please send your child in to school dressed in white top and black or dark bottoms.  Weather permitting, the pictures will be taken outside.
Since this is a group picture, please make every effort to be present and on time on this day.