Dancing Academy Weekend Academy

From the Parent Coordinator 
P.S. 101Q “The School in the Gardens”
Dancing Academy Weekend Academy
danceing kids
If  your children are enjoying their 
Ballroom Dancing, 
and would like to continue their journey,  
Dancing Classrooms offers 
Weekend Academy classes at their 
Manhattan Studio. 
Beginning next September,  every child who participated in the  20 lesson residency 
is eligible to register for the program.  
There is a nominal fee of $5.00 per class 
for 30 weekends of 
continuing ballroom education.  
Academy Registration Weekend, is coming up on June 13th & 14th,
Please download the attached flyer

Randy St. Germain
Parent Coordinator, P.S. 101Q
The School in the Gardens
718-268-7230 ext. 5