718-268-7230 2 Russell Place, Forest Hills
SETUP for 6th/5th Gr Dance Still Needs VOLUNTEERS
6th/5th Grade DANCE
and FRIDAY, 8:30-11:00!
We still need bodies to help us get the gymnasium ready for Friday. Because of the wonderful vision that Tove Fortier has, the decoration will remain up and used for graduation.
If you know of any high schoolers looking for community service hours, they are welcome to join us!
Please won’t you consider coming to help…
Wednesday, June 17, 2:00-6:00pm Need about 12 people — so far we have 6
Thank you Lisa, John, Jaisi, Ann and Tedy (alumnus) for signing up.
Thursday, June 18, 2:00-6:00pm Need about 12 people — so far we have 7
Thank you Lisa, Elisa, Alison, Nikki, Ann and Tedy (alumnus) for signing up.
For some of us, these are the last big events of our children’s time at 101 — let’s show up and share one last hurrah of community and friendship — and make memories for all of us! Contact us at to volunteer or feel free to just show up!
Thank you so much!
6th/5th Grade Dance: Friday, June 19, 11:00am, Gym
Awards Ceremony: Wednesday, June 24 6:00pm, Auditorium
Graduation Ceremony: Thursday, June 25 9:15am, Auditorium
Reception: Following the Graduation Ceremony, Gym
Your End-of-Year Team:
Adena Branch (531), Jaisi DiCicco (601), Mrs Elias (5th Gr), Tove Fortier (531) Maria Kaufer (502), Ann Kittredge (501), Robin Oksenhendler (502), Daman Saini (601), Mrs. Sawicki (6th Gr), John Tseng (501)