Fall 2015 After School Program

2015 Fall After School Program
Hello Parents,
Today you should have received the Fall 2015 After School Schedule in your child’s backpack.
The full schedule with class descriptions and pricing is available here: Fall 2015 ASP Schedule
Start Date:  Wednesday, September 16th 
End Date:    Friday, January 29th, 2016 
Online Registration:  Begins Thursday, June 18th @ 9pm
* Registration will remain open until all classes are filled.
Class Time: Classes will run for 90 minutes after school ends. 
* The DOE has not yet approved the operating hours for PS 101 next year.


If you have any questions or concerns please email us at afterschool@pa101.org
Thank you,
Tom Renna, Maria Mastromarino, JP Freeley and the Parent’s Association
You Asked…We Delivered!
We received valuable feedback through the parent survey and applied that feedback in designing our class offerings for Fall 2015, including adding several STEM offerings.


Exciting New STEM Offerings!
  • Kodable – Programming for Kids on Thursday for Grades K, 1 taught by our very own Ms. Singh.
  • Lego Robots by Robo Fun offered on Tuesday for Grades 4, 5, 6 and on Thursday for 1, 2, 3
Online Enrollment Will Begin On Thursday, 

June 16th @ 9pm
Thank You!
The After School Program would not happen if not for our fabulous volunteers!
 We would like to thank Tom, Maria and JP for all their hard work. Also thank you to our vendors and teachers who participate and make the program so special.


Extended Day Option Until 7pm!

The PA and ThinkingCAP Academy are pleased to announce that ThinkingCAP will be offering a program at St. Luke’s Church from 2:30PM-7PM daily.


Hours: 2:30pm to 7:00pm daily


Pick up from PS101 twice daily at 2:30pm and 4:30pm. 


Primary focus: Homework Help/Academic Enrichment 


Secondary activities: Sports, Arts and Projects Creation, Music, Engineering, Public Speaking, Yoga, Dance, Clay Molding, Cartooning etc. 

Pricing: $100 per week. Total $1700 for Fall 2015 semester. 

Registration fee $50, waived if parents sign up for at least one class offered in PS101 prior to 4:30PM pickup.


Questions or for more information:  Karen Fan

SETUP for 6th/5th Gr Dance Still Needs VOLUNTEERS

6th/5th Grade DANCE
and FRIDAY, 8:30-11:00!

We still need bodies to help us get the gymnasium ready for Friday.  Because of the wonderful vision that Tove Fortier has, the decoration will remain up and used for graduation.  

If you know of any high schoolers looking for community service hours, they are welcome to join us!

Please won’t you consider coming to help…

Wednesday, June 17, 2:00-6:00pm     Need about 12 people  — so far we have 6

Thank you Lisa, John, Jaisi, Ann and Tedy (alumnus) for signing up.

Thursday, June 18, 2:00-6:00pm     Need about 12 people  — so far we have 7

Thank you Lisa, Elisa, Alison, Nikki, Ann and Tedy (alumnus) for signing up.  
For some of us, these are the last big events of our children’s time at 101 — let’s show up and share one last hurrah of community and friendship — and make memories for all of us!  Contact us at endofyear@pa101.org to volunteer or feel free to just show up!

Thank you so much!


6th/5th Grade Dance:  Friday, June 19, 11:00am, Gym
Awards Ceremony: Wednesday, June 24 6:00pm, Auditorium
Graduation Ceremony: Thursday, June 25 9:15am, Auditorium
Reception:  Following the Graduation Ceremony, Gym

Your End-of-Year Team:

Adena Branch (531),  Jaisi DiCicco (601),  Mrs Elias (5th Gr), Tove Fortier (531) Maria Kaufer (502), Ann Kittredge (501), Robin Oksenhendler (502), Daman Saini (601), Mrs. Sawicki (6th Gr), John Tseng (501)

Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast Tomorrow 8:30am!

Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast 
Tomorrow @ 8:30am

Please join us as we honor the many volunteers who make so much possible at PS 101 through their dedication and hard work. EVERYONE IS WELCOME!

    • Did you volunteer this year? Whether you volunteered for an hour or 1,000 hours (yes, that is actually possible and maybe even probable for some), please come and enjoy some breakfast and be thanked by the community.
    • Were you not able to volunteer but enjoyed the many events (think Halloween Party, Talent Show, International Dinner, etc.) made possible by our volunteers? Then come and say thank you!


PA Meeting To Follow @ 9am

The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  • Positive Action Focus Group Results
    • Presented by 6th Grader, PAL Stella DiCicco
  • After School Update
  • May Minutes
  • Financial Update
  • Open Floor

  • Registration for Fall 2015 After School Program will begin on Thursday, June 18th @ 9pm. For the fall line up and class descriptions, click here.

NYC Schools Account

From the Parent Coordinator 
P.S. 101Q “The School in the Gardens”


ARIS Replacement: NYC Schools Account


The DOE has just launched a new online account system so parents can access student data. Parents will  be able to review recent attendance, report card grades, and contact information in one of ten languages from any internet-ready device. Additional information, including students’ test scores, will be added to NYC Schools accounts in August.

To create an account: An NYC Schools account can be created for the parent or guardian who resides with a student and has primary access to the student’s academic and biographical records. 


I will be available to assist you in setting up an account on the following dates and times:

Tuesday, June 16  from  8:45 am to 10:30 am

Wednesday, June 17 from 8:45 am to 10:30 pm

Friday, June 19  from 8:45 am to 10:30 am

Step 1: Visit your child’s school, or schedule an appointment to create an account. When setting up an account, be sure to bring:

  • A valid photo ID:
    • Passport
    • Driver’s license, State ID, or permit;
    • IDNYC
  • Your child’s 9-digit NYC student ID number (you can find this on your child’s academic records, including a report card). If you do not have your child’s ID number, ask your school.
  • A valid email address. Register for a free email address using Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo.

Step 2: Sign into your NYC Schools account from a computer, phone, or tablet by visiting:http://schools.nyc.gov/myaccount.

On the NYC Schools login page, enter your email address and temporary password. Follow the directions printed on your “NYC Schools Account Confirmation Receipt”. Your NYC Schools account will walk you through the account set up. 





6th/5th Grade Dance
Volunteers NEEDED!!!!!

Hi Everyone —

The 6th/5th Gr Dance is Friday, June 19.  WE NEED VOLUNTEERS!

Wednesday, 2-6, begin putting together decorative elements and hanging them.

NEED about 12 helpers

Thursday, 2-6, continue putting up decorations

NEED about 12 helpers

Friday, 8:00-11:00 finish setting up tables, pick up food donation from Panera, plus ice. setup food etc.

NEED 8 for the dance itself and Friday morning setup.  Currently have about 5 (there is a limit per class, so please let us know your interest by Tuesday and we will  contact the parents, first come first serve per class, who can help out at the dance itself.)

Special thanks to Annelisse, Sofia’s mom, for volunteering to take photos at the dance

and to Elisa, Evan’s mom, for volunteering to help set up Thursday and pick up food donations Friday morning.

Please respond to this email if and when you can join us!                 

Thank you so much!


6th/5th Grade Dance:  Friday, June 19, 11:00am, Gym
Awards Ceremony: Wednesday, June 24 6:00pm, Auditorium
Graduation Ceremony: Thursday, June 25 9:15am, Auditorium
Reception:  Following the Graduation Ceremony, Gym

Your End-of-Year Team:

Adena Branch (531),  Jaisi DiCicco (601),  Mrs Elias (5th Gr), Tove Fortier (531) Maria Kaufer (502), Ann Kittredge (501), Robin Oksenhendler (502), Daman Saini (601), Mrs. Sawicki (6th Gr), John Tseng (501)

Fall 2015 After School – Soft-Opening

Fall 2015 After School Planning Underway
This is a Soft-Opening of the Fall 2015 PS 101 After School Program .. 
Pending Final review by the Administration .. we wanted to provide you an early glimpse. 
We plan on LIVE Enrollment Thursday June 18th at 9PM.
We know that there are many NEW incoming Kindergarten parents that are NOT on this list, if you know anyone joining us next year for the 1st time, please send this along to them. 

Happy Flag Day!
Sunday June 15! 
flag day

Monday, June 15 early dismissal

From the Parent Coordinator 
P.S. 101Q “The School in the Gardens”
Dear Parents,
Please note the following in your calendars:
  • Monday, June 15th: 1/2 Day.
  • Friday, June 26: 1/2 Day and the last day of school.
Early dismissal on 1/2 days is as follows:
  • Pre-K & K:  11:20am
  • 1st thru 6th Grade: 11:30am
Thank you,

Randy St. Germain
Parent Coordinator, PS 101Q 

Weekly Update from P.S.101Q

P.S.101Q’s Weekly Update
Week of

June 15th


Cinderella: BRAVO! BRAVO! BRAVO! Our 5th and 6th Graders put on an incredible performance of Cinderella this week. It was a packed house on Thursday evening and there were additional performances during school hours.

We would like to thank Mrs. Elias, Mr. Sansaricq, Mr. Westerlund and Mr. Stabenau as well as the parent volunteers who made it all possible, Ann Kittredge, JP Freeley, John Tseng and Orsolya Gaal.

Ballroom Dancing Classrooms: Our kids can dance, I mean really dance! Congratulations to the 4th and 5th Graders on an amazing ballroom dancing performance on Wednesday. Dancing Classrooms has been teaching a residency at PS 101 for 7 years now. This residency program is made possible by the PA through the generous donations of parents. Thank you!

Trips Coming Up This Week:

West Side Tennis Club: 

Tuesday = Classes 401, 402, 403 & 531


The Spring 2015 ASP ended on Friday, June 12th.

From the School

Early Dismissal on Monday, June 15th: A reminder to parents that Pre-K & K pick up is 11:20am and 1st to 6th Grade pick up is 11:30am on Tuesday. There is no After School.

From the PA

PA Meeting on Tuesday @ 8:30am: Our last PA meeting of the year is on Tuesday.  BREAKFAST WILL BE SERVED!


Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast: We will be honoring the many volunteers who make so much possible at PS 101 through their dedication and hard work. 

    • Did you volunteer this year? Whether you volunteered for an hour or 1,000 hours (yes, that is actually possible and maybe even probable for some), please come and enjoy some breakfast and be thanked by the community.
    • Were you not able to volunteer but enjoyed the many events (think Halloween Party, Talent Show, International Dinner, etc.) made possible by our volunteers? Then come and say thank you! 

From the DOE

ARIS Replacement: NYC Schools Account

The DOE has just launched a new online account system so parents can access student data. Parents will  be able to review recent attendance, report card grades, and contact information in one of ten languages from any internet-ready device. Additional information, including students’ test scores, will be added to NYC Schools accounts in August.

To create an account: An NYC Schools account can be created for the parent or guardian who resides with a student and has primary access to the student’s academic and biographical records. 

Step 1: Visit your child’s school, or schedule an appointment to create an account. When setting up an account, be sure to bring:

  • A valid photo ID:
    • Passport
    • Driver’s license, State ID, or permit;
    • IDNYC
  • Your child’s 9-digit NYC student ID number (you can find this on your child’s academic records, including a report card). If you do not have your child’s ID number, ask your school.
  • A valid email address. Register for a free email address using Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo.

Step 2: Sign into your NYC Schools account from a computer, phone, or tablet by visiting:http://schools.nyc.gov/myaccount.

On the NYC Schools login page, enter your email address and temporary password. Follow the directions printed on your “NYC Schools Account Confirmation Receipt”. Your NYC Schools account will walk you through the account set up. 


In The Hood

The New York Pops @ the West Side Tennis Club on August 6th & 7th. Family packages are available! Free admission for kids 16 and under with purchase of an adult ticket! Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to expose your children to the incredible music of the New York Pops.
For tickets: Forest Hills Stadium
For more information: NY Pops Flyer

Important Dates

Mon. June 15th: **1/2 DAY FOR STUDENTS**

Tues. June 16h: PA Meeting @ 8:30am


Thurs., June 18th: Multi-Cultural Celebration for Pre-K to 2nd Grade @ 9:10am


Fri. June 19th: 

5th/6th Grade Class Dance @ 11:00am



You can order all of your child’s school supplies for next year. Orders will be accepted until July 1st. Pick up is on the first day of school.
Registration will begin next week. Stay tuned for a full schedule which will be sent home shortly.
Quick Links

Buy School Supplies Now!

P.S.101Q's Parent's Association

P.S. 101Q

P.S. 101Q’s Parents Association

2 Russell Pl, Forest Hills, NY 11375

718 268-7230


Dear P.S. 101 Parents,



We are happy to announce that we have chosen to sell prepackaged school supplies for the next school year.

School Tool Box comes with the teacher-approved school supplies your student requires and includes trusted brands like Elmers and Crayola. School Tool Box saves you time searching for those hard-to-find items in the back-to-school crowds. Just place your order online and it will be waiting for your child in the fall. Time is limited, please place your order today.
Please visit  www.schooltoolbox.com, register and then order your child’s supplies for next year.
The website will direct you to P.S. 101 and allow you to select your child’s grade for the upcoming school year.
The deadline for online orders is July 1st.