Weekly Update from P.S.101Q


P.S.101Q’s Weekly Update
Week of

May 5th


Michael Berman: Principal for the Day!

On Friday, Michael Berman was Principal for the day, an honor generously donated by Principal Paniagua and won by Michael’s parents at the Spring Auction. Principal Berman performed his duties today along side Principal Paniagua, attending various meetings and helping with important decisions. He was certainly dressed for the part!


Stingers Lose A Close One! Michael then played along side his teammates in a Stingers game! Unfortunately, the Stingers lost by 2 points to one of our main rivals, PS 99. It was good effort though and we congratulate the Stingers and thank our official cheerleading squad for supporting them.

From the School

Shoe Drive, May 1st to May 15th

PS 101 is hosting its 2nd annual shoe drive. Last year, we collected 1,868 pairs of shoes which were donated to Goodwill. Please donate shoes that are in wearable condition. Your children may give them to their teacher. Thank you for helping us teach our children the importance of giving to those less fortunate.

Kindergarten Registration: For parents who have a child entering Kindergarten for the 2015-16 school year, you should have received your acceptance letter. Please remember that you need to register your child at the school by May 6, 2015.

Parent Event – May 13th from 4:30pm to 7:30pm. The school invites parents to come and learn about the curriculum your child will be learning next year. For more information: Schedule of Events


Career Day – Friday, May 29th @ 8:45am: Share a career experience with our children! We welcome parents, friends, relatives or acquaintances who are willing to share their time. Please email: Randy St. Germain


From the PA

Staff Appreciation Event: Tuesday, May 5th
The PA will be hosting our annual Staff Appreciation Event in two weeks. We need volunteers for set up form 1:00pm to 2:30pm, during the actual event from 2:30pm to 4:00pm and for clean up from 4:00pm to 5:00pm. Please email Maria Kaufer if you can volunteer.
Wellness Committee Kick Off Meeting: Thursday, May 7th @ 8:30am
Please join us as we form a Wellness Committee comprised of teachers, staff and parents to focus on all aspects of well being for our students. If you have questions or cannot attend the meeting but want to be involved, please email: volunteer@pa101.org
Cultural Dinner Planning Meeting: Friday, May 9th @ 8:30am
We will be having our 2nd planning meeting for the Cultural/International Dinner on Friday. We are still looking for someone to chair or co-chair the event. Please email Sarah Payne if you are interested.


Wellness Fair, Saturday, May 9th from 11am to 4pm
The PA is hosting a Wellness Fair next weekend. Parents may rent a table for $30 to sell your wares if you are spring cleaning. For more information, please contact Christine Memoli


Important Dates

Tues, May 5th: Staff Appreciation Luncheon @ 2:30pm in the gymnasium.

Thurs, May 7th: Wellness Committee Kick Off Meeting @ 8:30am in the auditorium.

Fri, May 8th: Cultural Dinner Planning Meeting @ 8:30am in the auditorium.

Sat, May 9th: Wellness Fair from 11am to 4pm in the gymnasium.


Wellness Fair
Saturday, May 9th
11am to 4pm
Spring cleaning? Want to sell you household items? Tables are $30 for parents.


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