PA Budget & Bylaw Amendment

From the P.S.101Q’s Parents’ Association
Dear Parents,
As a reminder there are several important pieces of business that will be decided this month. At the next PA meeting on Tuesday, May 19th @ 6:30pm, we will vote on the 2015-16 Budget and a By Law Amendment. 
We appreciate your interest and involvement.

The PA Board
2015-16 Proposed Budget
On April 21st at the PA meeting, the proposed budget for the coming school year was presented. Based upon feedback from that meeting and subsequent communications from parents, the proposed budget has been revised. Attached is the current version of the proposed 2015-16 budget.
A hard copy of the budget and additional detail is available in the PA office for review. Please contact  Christine Memoli, JP Freeley or Sarah Payne to ensure that the PA office is open if you wish to review the budget in hard copy.
If you have questions or comments about the budget, you can:
1) Attend the PA meeting on Tuesday, May 19th at 6:30pm. We will vote on adoption of the budget at this meetings per our By Laws.
2) Contact the PA at and we will endeavor to answer your questions promptly.

By-Laws Amendment Proposal

This amendment was proposed formally at the April 21st, 2015 PA meeting and will be voted upon for adoption at the May 19th, 2015 PA meeting at 6:30pm.


Background: In our current by-laws, it is not clear whether the preliminary minutes can be distributed prior to the following meeting. The amendment language below brings us closer in alignment with the NY Dept. of State Opening Meeting Act regarding minutes ( and explicitly clarifies that the minutes can be distributed after review and approval by the PA President. There is no requirement to distribute. The amendment below also states that the minutes may be provided for review by the President within 14 days.



Completed P.A. meeting minutes are to be given to the President or Co-presidents for preliminary approval. Preliminary minutes shall be distributed at the following month’s P.A. meeting for final approval by the general membership. Approved minutes shall be posted on the P.A. website and made available in the P.A, office.

Completed P.A. meeting minutes are to be given to the President and/or Co-presidents for preliminary approval. Once the minutes are preliminarily approved, they shall receive the status of DRAFT. DRAFT minutes may be publicly distributed via paper and/or electronic means bearing the conspicuous mark of DRAFT.Draft minutes shall be distributed at the following month’s P.A. meeting for final approval by the general membership. Approved minutes shall be posted on the P.A. website and made available in the P.A, office.

PA Board and SLT Elections

The slate for the PA Board and the open SLT positions has been finalized. There are no contested positions for the 2015-16 school year and thus, the slates will be ratified by the Recording Secretary at our next PA meeting on Tuesday, May 19th.