Weekly Update from P.S.101Q – 6/20/15

P.S.101Q’s Weekly Update
Week of

June 22nd


Congratulations to Ms. Corin: Ms. Corin is a Big Apple Award Winner. The 2015 Big Apple Award recipients were chosen from a pool of more than 4,500 nominations, representing a diversity of grade levels, subject areas, and each of the five New York City boroughs. Congratulations, Ms. Corin, you deserve it!

From the School

Early Dismissal on Friday, June 26th: A reminder to parents that Pre-K & K pick up is 11:20am and 1st to 6th Grade pick up is 11:30am on Friday. Friday is the last day of school!

From the PA

2015 Fall After School Program:  ENROLLMENT IS NOW OPEN!

There are many openings still available in many classes. Registration will remain open until all classes are full. Thanks for all the anticipation and excitement that went into last night’s launch. Some classes were closed in under 90 seconds. We are looking at possible opening up 2nd classes for some popular ones, be sure to get on the waiting lists if available. There are many openings still available in many classes. Registration will remain open until all classes are full. To enroll, please click here.

Residency Committee Looking for Input and Volunteers:
The Residency Committee is seeking input on 3rd Party Programs that you may be familiar with from other schools, friends, neighbors, etc. If you know any programs that they should be looking at, and would be a great fit for our kids, please click here to let them know. If you’d like to be part of the committee, please email us.


More about St. Lukes Extended Day After School:  

A few notes about St. Lukes Program. It begins on the First Day of School (9/9/15). They have a 5-Day a week option and a 2-Day a week

option. They are also planning on having half-day and full-day “camps” which don’t require a long-term commitment for those pesky school days that don’t jive with your work schedule. All about St. Luke program is

available here and more hereYou can always email us here.

In The Hood

The New York Pops @ the West Side Tennis Club on August 6th & 7th. Family packages are available! Free admission for kids 16 and under with purchase of an adult ticket! Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to expose your children to the incredible music of the New York Pops.
For tickets: Forest Hills Stadium
For more information: NY Pops Flyer

From the DOE

ARIS Replacement: NYC Schools Account

The DOE has just launched a new online account system so parents can access student data. Parents will  be able to review recent attendance, report card grades, and contact information in one of ten languages from any internet-ready device. Additional information, including students’ test scores, will be added to NYC Schools accounts in August.

To create an account: An NYC Schools account can be created for the parent or guardian who resides with a student and has primary access to the student’s academic and biographical records. 

Step 1: Visit your child’s school, or schedule an appointment to create an account. When setting up an account, be sure to bring:

  • A valid photo ID:
    • Passport
    • Driver’s license, State ID, or permit;
    • IDNYC
  • Your child’s 9-digit NYC student ID number (you can find this on your child’s academic records, including a report card). If you do not have your child’s ID number, ask your school.
  • A valid email address. Register for a free email address using Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo.

Step 2: Sign into your NYC Schools account from a computer, phone, or tablet by visiting:http://schools.nyc.gov/myaccount.

On the NYC Schools login page, enter your email address and temporary password. Follow the directions printed on your “NYC Schools Account Confirmation Receipt”. Your NYC Schools account will walk you through the account set up. 



Important Dates

Mon. June 22nd: Pre-K Graduation 2 9:30am


Tues. June 23rd: K Stepping Up Ceremony @ 9:30am


Tues. June 23rd: 3rd &4th Grade Awards Ceremony @ 6pm


Wed. June 24th: 5th & 6th Grade Awards Ceremony @ 6pm


Thurs. June 25th: 5th & 6th Grade Graduation @ 9:30am



Enrollment is open!
You can order all of your child’s school supplies for next year. Orders will be accepted until July 1st. Pick up is on the first day of school.
Quick Links


P.S.101Q’s Parent’s Association | 2 Russell Pl | Forest Hills | NY | 11375