Dance Recap

The Gym just before our children showed up!
6th/5th Grade Dance Recap

Hello All

From all accounts the dance was an enormous success.  The decorations ROCKED!!!!!!!  The food was abundant (and by abundant, we mean…..abundant)!  — Enough for us to share with locals as well as unplanned treat for the students when school got out Friday.  

The DJ was terrific and really kept the kids engaged.  They danced and danced — with the teachers, with each other.  And the photobooth was a big hit, so were the ices.  We finished the afternoon handing out the t-shirts and it was so cute — lots of kids put them on immediately and kept them on.  They looked terrific!

We are making arrangements to share all the photos taken by our parent volunteers.  Please stay tuned for details. 

It was truly a smooth and joyous occasion.  The only area that needs work is clean up.  We fell to a skeleton crew very quickly and what ended up being a 2 hour clean up could easily have been 1 hour with more people.  With our Graduation Reception coming up this Thursday, please plan on staying to clean up afterwards for about 20 minutes.  We are all volunteers and we all want to continue the celebration and many are planning to take their children to lunch so the more that help to clean up afterwards, the quicker we get to leave!  

Details regarding Thursday coming soon.

Thank you all so much!


6th/5th Grade Dance:  Friday, June 19, 11:00am, Gym
Awards Ceremony: Wednesday, June 24 6:00pm, Auditorium
Graduation Ceremony: Thursday, June 25 9:15am, Auditorium
Reception:  Following the Graduation Ceremony, Gym
CLEANUP:  Following Reception

Your End-of-Year Team:

Adena Branch (531),  Jaisi DiCicco (601),  Mrs Elias (5th Gr), Tove Fortier (531) Maria Kaufer (502), Ann Kittredge (501), Robin Oksenhendler (502), Daman Saini (601), Mrs. Sawicki (6th Gr), John Tseng (501)